RCJ Rescue Simulation (Webots-Erebus)

The RoboCupJunior Rescue Simulation provides exciting new learning opportunities with a newly developed platform (Webots-Erebus). The virtual robot is tasked with exploring and mapping a maze with different rooms and identifying victims on its way. The rule set for RCJ Rescue Simulation is similar to RCJ Rescue Maze and extended by adding new areas with more difficult terrain. Additionally, some elements from RoboCup Rescue Major are incorporated.

The Webots-Erebus platform was selected for the Rescue Simulation demonstration competition in early June 2020 after being tested with volunteer teams during workshops. The platform was refined further, and in October 2020, a virtual demonstration competition took place.

During the 2021 International RoboCup event, another demonstration competition took place similar to the competition in October. In 2022 it was run as a regular competition in Bangkok, Thailand.

Updated: 22-Jan-2024

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