RCJ Rescue Maze

RoboCupJunior Rescue Maze

The robot needs to search through a maze for victims. The robot should not find the fastest path through the maze; instead, it should explore as much of the maze as possible. The robot will get points for each victim found and deliver a rescue kit close to the victim. The robot must avoid areas with a black floors.

Rescue Maze sub-league is open to students from age 14 up to 19 years of age (age as of 1st of July). Team members may compete in Rescue Line twice (2 international events). After competing in Rescue Line twice, they must move to Rescue Maze.

To learn more about the RoboCupJunior Rescue Leagues, as well as past courses, results and the scoring system, make sure you look at the RoboCupJunior Rescue Community Website and RoboCupJunior Forum for all your questions!