RCJ Rescue Line

RoboCupJunior Rescue Line

The Rescue Line challenge involves a search and rescue challenge where an autonomous robot has to follow a black line while overcoming different obstacles, debris and a range of different lines in a modular arena formed by tiles with different patterns. The final challenge is to rescue victims, sorted by colour and successfully navigate to an end zone for final extraction.

Team members may compete in Rescue Line twice (2 international events). After a team participated twice, they must move to Rescue Maze.

To learn more about the RoboCupJunior Rescue Line Challenge, read through the Rescue Line Rules.

To learn more about the RoboCupJunior Rescue Leagues, as well as past courses, results and the scoring system, make sure you look at the RoboCupJunior Rescue Community Website and RoboCupJunior Forum for all your questions!