Registration is now Open!
Registration for the Inaugural RoboCupJunior Americas SuperRegional in April 2025 is now open!
The inaugural Americas RoboCupJunior SuperRegional competition will be held at Mercersburg Academy in Mercersburg, PA from April 25-29, 2025!

Who Can Participate?
- We can accommodate three teams per country/region in the Americas outside of the United States per league. Teams should work with their regional representatives to get permission to use one of the country slots for registration.
- We can accommodate two teams per school or institution per league in the United States. Teams should contact their school or institution representative for permission to use one of the registration slots.
- We have limited team slots beyond the Americas for teams from other regions (e.g., Asia, Pacific, Europe, Middle East). To qualify, teams must submit a technical paper proving progress on their robot. Please request a slot and send the technical paper to
info [at]