RoboCupJunior Rescue challenges teams to design, build, and program autonomous robots capable of navigating disaster scenarios and assisting victims. The objective is to develop robots that can successfully complete various rescue missions, from following lines on a flat surface to maneuvering through complex mazes or overcoming obstacles on uneven terrain. The competition consists of different sub-leagues, including Rescue Line, Rescue Maze, Rescue Simulation, and the Rapidly Manufactured Robot Challenge, which serves as a stepping stone to the Major League. Teams are encouraged to experiment with innovative engineering, sensing, and artificial intelligence techniques to enhance their robots’ problem-solving abilities.
Rescue Leagues
RoboCupJunior Rescue features multiple leagues, each designed to challenge students at different levels of expertise. The main competitions are the Rescue Line, Rescue Maze and Rescue Simulation leagues, while a bridge competition, Rapidly Manufactured Robot Challenge exists as a stepping stone to the RoboCup Major Rescue competition.

Rescue Line
The Rescue Line challenge involves a search and rescue challenge where an autonomous robot has to follow a black line while overcoming different obstacles, debris and a range of different lines in a modular arena formed by tiles with different patterns. The final challenge is to rescue victims, sorted by colour and successfully navigate to an end zone for final extraction.

Rescue Maze
The robot needs to search through a maze for victims. The robot should not find the fastest path through the maze; instead, it should explore as much of the maze as possible. The robot will get points for each victim found and deliver a rescue kit close to the victim. The robot must avoid areas with a black floors.

Rescue Simulation
The RoboCupJunior Rescue Simulation provides exciting new learning opportunities with a newly developed platform (Webots-Erebus). The virtual robot is tasked with exploring and mapping a maze with different rooms and identifying victims on its way.

RoboCupRescue Rapidly Manufactured Robot Challenge
The Rapidly Manufactured Robot Challenge (RMRC) is part of RoboCupRescue Robot competition. RMRC promotes the development of low cost, rapidly manufacturable small (30 cm width) robots and robotic components that enable responders to more safely and effectively perform hazardous mission tasks. Students from high school through to graduate students and early career researchers compete against the same challenges – There is no over 19 age limit for this league.
Rescue Community Website
Want to know more about RoboCup Rescue? Check out the community website with information about past competitions, resources and more!